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Our Beliefs

Our Vision

The vision of Xperience Church is to infuse, inspire and ignite people to be the Leaders God has called them to be. Our passion is empowering all to "live LIFE on PURPOSE!"


Our vision is to help usher mankind into unprecedented intimacy with God through a radical revelation of the Gospel of Grace and the Gospel of the Kingdom. We endeavor to prophetically declare the good news of Jesus so that people be delivered, set free and empowered.

What we Believe at Xperience Church

About God

Each experience at Xperience Church is designed to impact your life in a way that grows your love for Jesus, increase your passion for what he’s called you to and ignite your passion for the life he’s called you to live. We only offer VIP treatment at Xperience Church, and we want you, your family, and friends to feel the love when in the presence of any Xperience Church member.

The Bible

We believe Scripture (Old and New Testaments) in its entirety originated with God and He revealed it to chosen authors. Scripture speaks with the authority of God while simultaneously reflecting the backgrounds, styles, and vocabularies of these human authors. We hold that the Scriptures, in their original manuscripts, are infallible and inerrant; they are the unique, full, and final authority on all matters of faith and practice. There are no other writings similarly inspired by God.

Learn More About What We Believe At Xperience Church

¡Que lindo es saber que siempre estás ahí!_edited_edited.jpg


We believe that salvation is the work of redemption to the sinner. Originally created to be in relationship with God, mankind defied Him by going their own independent way, resulting in alienation from Him and the innate inability to please God. This fall took place at the beginning of human history; since then, all people have suffered these consequences and are in need of the saving grace of God. The salvation of humanity is completely a work of God’s free grace; it is not in any way the result of human works or goodness. Each person can receive salvation by repentance and faith. God’s Word assures individuals that He will continue His saving work in them forever.


Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ, the eternal second person of the Trinity, was fully united with a human nature by a miraculous conception and virgin birth. He lived in perfect obedience to the Father, voluntarily paid the price for the sins of all people by dying on the cross as their substitute, and satisfied divine justice, bringing salvation to all who trust in Him alone. After His physical death, Jesus Christ rose from the dead and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father as the only intercessor between God and humans. He promises to return to earth, personally and visibly, to fulfill history and the eternal plan of God.


Holy Spirit

We believe in the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit applies Christ’s saving work by enlightening the minds of sinners to their need to be saved. He renews and indwells each believer upon salvation, becoming their source of assurance, strength, wisdom, and gifting for building up the church. The Holy Spirit guides believers in understanding and applying the Bible. Appropriated by faith, His power and control empower believers to lead a life of Christ-like character and bear fruit for the Father’s glory.

Image by kaleb tapp


Baptism is an outward expression of an inward commitment to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We believe the decision to be baptized is up to the individual and that he or she must fully understand what it means to be a Christ follower.



During Jesus’ last days, He gathered the disciples in a room and asked them to consume bread and wine “in remembrance” of Him. Two thousand years later, we regularly observe the act of consuming bread and grape juice as a community for the exact same reason—to remember our Savior, who sacrificed Himself for our sins.

Image by Janay Peters

5 Fold-Ministry

We believe in the 5-fold ministries (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers) to equip believers in Christ to do the work of service.


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P.O. Box 23691

Savannah, GA 31403


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